Friday, February 25, 2011

El Tiempo

In Spanish El Tiempo means both time and weather. Having arrived in Madrid the two have changed considerably. I feel like I have traveled back in time (which technically I've actually done, and they say time travel isn't possible. They obviously haven't heard about the date line, have they.) It's been two years since I was here last and it feels like I've opened up a time capsule from another epoch.

For me Spain is so familiar but also so different from NZ. One's grandma doesn't just bump into their friend, Carolina Herrera, in a department store, the shops don't close for 3 hours during the day (or stay open til 10pm), guys don't pee beside the Royal Palace in broad daylight for all to see and there aren't any wide avenues of old buildings with trees where people sit drinking a cerveza or two.

Well I'm off to take advantage of the late nights, good company and historic sites. Here's a couple of photos from the flower markets in Hong Kong to match the unusually warm weather that we have had in the last couple of days in Madrid (19 degrees! Its like summer in Wellington).

Hope you are well.

A. xx

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